Form – Patient Registration Patient Registration Form Patient InformationFirst name*Last Name*Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Gender*ChildFemaleMaleSocial Security Number*Relationship to Guarantor*Pharmacy (Name & Street)Lives With*Both ParentsMotherFatherGuardianMother / Step-Mother / Guardian InformationRelation to Patient--Choose One--MotherStep-MotherGuardianFirst Name*Last Name*Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Driver's License #Social Security #*Address*City*State*Zip*Home Phone #*Cell Phone #Work Phone #Email OccupationEmployerFather / Step-Father / Guardian InformationRelation to Patient--Choose One--FatherStep-FatherGuardianFirst Name*Last Name*Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Driver's License #Social Security #*Address*City*State*Zip*Home Phone #*Cell Phone #Work Phone #Email OccupationEmployerEmergency Contact: Non-ParentFirst Name*Last Name*Phone #*Relation*Primary InsuranceSecondary InsuranceInsurance Company*Insurance CompanyInsurance ID #*Insurance ID #Subscriber's Name*Subscriber's NameDate of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Relationship to Patient*Relationship to PatientI understand that withholding ANY insurance information is considered insurance fraud.CONSENT TO TREATMENT AND RELEASE OF INFORMATIONTreatment Consent / Information Release* I hereby authorize any physician, practitioner, insurance company, or third party to disclose to each other needed protected information that is relevant to your Childs health to carry out medical treatment, health care operations, payment, or for any other purpose that is permitted or required by law. A photocopy of this authorization shall be the same as the original. I hereby certify the statements hereon and those attached are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand it is fraudulent to fill out this form with information I know to be false or to omit important facts. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AGREEMENT BY PERSON OTHER THAN PATIENTFinancial Responsibility* I hereby authorize direct payment of surgical/medical benefits for services rendered by Okezie Pediatrics and all other office personnel. I understand that I am financially responsible for any services rendered that may not be covered by my insurance. Digital Signature* I Agree. Parent Signing*